“…I was in prison and you came to Me…inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:34-40)
Prison Ministry Vision
The Prison Ministry exists to take the Good News of the Gospel to the inmates of Santa Rita Jail and other correctional facilities in the Bay Area and make disciples. We also aspire to co-labor with the Lord in healing and deliverance.
Prison Ministry Mission
Here at The Well, God has given us His heart of compassion for those who, for one reason or another, find themselves in what we call the “fourth world” of incarceration in locals jails and prisons. Similar to the third world, this world is even more unseen and forgotten by society as well as the modern day church of Jesus Christ.
The intent of the prison ministry at The Well is to take the gospel to those who are incarcerated, establish them in the Word of God, and do all we can to help them, upon release, to continue in their Christian walk and re-enter society as fruitful representatives of Jesus Christ. In the future, we also hope to have homes for men and women, which would serve as half-way houses, to help those who have a need to heal and be discipled before resuming their civilian lives.
What We Do
We currently minister at San Quentin, D.V.I. Tracy state prison for men, FCI Dublin for women in addition to Santa Rita Jail in Dublin. We have regular chapel services and a communion service that we do for both men and women as well as one-on-one prayer counseling. We also head Open Arms Transitional Care (OATC) http://www.openarmstc.org/ which supports re-entry of releasees back into our community.
We have the opportunity to serve in various capacities to meet the spiritual needs of the inmates as well as support the chaplaincies at the facilities we minister in.
New opportunities open up to us regularly like playing sports with inmates and offering workshops in the arts. We seek all opportunities to bring the love of God by giving our time and talents as needed.
For those who wish to serve outside the prison, we are always in need of intercessors who have a burden for this kind of ministry.
The Prison Ministry exists to take the Good News of the Gospel to the inmates of Santa Rita Jail and other correctional facilities in the Bay Area and make disciples. We also aspire to co-labor with the Lord in healing and deliverance.
Prison Ministry Mission
Here at The Well, God has given us His heart of compassion for those who, for one reason or another, find themselves in what we call the “fourth world” of incarceration in locals jails and prisons. Similar to the third world, this world is even more unseen and forgotten by society as well as the modern day church of Jesus Christ.
The intent of the prison ministry at The Well is to take the gospel to those who are incarcerated, establish them in the Word of God, and do all we can to help them, upon release, to continue in their Christian walk and re-enter society as fruitful representatives of Jesus Christ. In the future, we also hope to have homes for men and women, which would serve as half-way houses, to help those who have a need to heal and be discipled before resuming their civilian lives.
What We Do
We currently minister at San Quentin, D.V.I. Tracy state prison for men, FCI Dublin for women in addition to Santa Rita Jail in Dublin. We have regular chapel services and a communion service that we do for both men and women as well as one-on-one prayer counseling. We also head Open Arms Transitional Care (OATC) http://www.openarmstc.org/ which supports re-entry of releasees back into our community.
We have the opportunity to serve in various capacities to meet the spiritual needs of the inmates as well as support the chaplaincies at the facilities we minister in.
New opportunities open up to us regularly like playing sports with inmates and offering workshops in the arts. We seek all opportunities to bring the love of God by giving our time and talents as needed.
For those who wish to serve outside the prison, we are always in need of intercessors who have a burden for this kind of ministry.
Ministry Leader